Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Stockholm Syndrome

YES! We are in Sweden!!!

Stockholm is the furthest northern country that I will have made it to during my European adventures, even further north than Anchorage I believe, don’t hold me to that though. The only thing that I didn’t care for about our trip was the traveling to get there and back. We took a two hour train ride from Torino to Milan, then a 45 minute bus ride to the airport, spent the night in the airport and then a two and a half hour flight to Sweden, followed by an 80 minute bus ride to Stockholm itself...
Good thing im Alaskan, I can handle the cold of Sweden

Once in Stockholm, I put on my warm coat and gloves and preceded to find our way to the “Best Old Town Hostel”, which as you can tell by the name is the best hostel located in Old Town Stockholm, we were literally about two minutes walking distance from the Royal Palace. We spent the first day just venturing around old town and getting lost in the streets with the locals. Nearly everyone in Stockholm spoke perfect English so it wasnt too hard to find our way.
Standing outside the Royal Palace...

The second day we met up with a friend of someone I traveled with (Kevin), he showed us around all the tourist areas as well as other little known areas around town. We finished the day off with a hockey game of AIK vs. Modo, This is the first international game that I had gone to and the away team (Modo) has been known for producing players such as Peter Forsberg, Markus Naslund, Henrik Sedin, and Daniel Sedin. The game was no doubt the highlight of my trip to Sweden and I really hope that I get to see more of them!
After a beautiful day in Stockholm, we walked towards the Hockey Rink

During the 2nd Intermission of the Game
You can tell but on the AIK scarf in quotes it translates to "We Are Everywhere"
The one thing that was really hard to get used to is how the young men dressed themselves, at the bars and clubs they were dressed metro sexually so I became really nervous when we walked into the first club because I thought that we had accidentally walked into a gay bar. All in all, I can see why people love Stockholm, it has some amazing sights and the locals are the nicest people I have come across in Europe.
Last day in Sweden, Kevin and I sat and smoked a Cuban Cigar

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