Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Nice, France & Monoco

It is 9am on Saturday morning and I am currently riding on a train with Kevin, Chris, Sam, and Molly to Nice, France. Nice is a nice place to go in the summertime because it is right on the coast and supposedly has some pretty amazing sights. The forecast is calling for it to be about 60 degrees so compared to Turin’s 30-40 degree temp it will feel like a tropical paradise! We have brought our swimsuits along with us in hopes that we will be able to go in the ocean, even though we will be the only ones in the ocean, it wont be any different than when we went swimming in San Diego a few years ago.

The hostel we are staying at has been voted for being the top 10 hostels in the world for many years now and was voted the best hostel in France during the 2009 and 2010 years, it is actually a villa a few minutes away from the beach, bars, and many museums and other attractions.

Along our journey from Torino, we went from this:

Train Ride Through the Alps
To This:

Beautiful Ventimiglia, France
After getting back to Torino: I thought that Nice sounded like a cool place to go just because it was on the French Riveria… saying the Nice is a cool destination is an understatement! I cant even begin to describe how much fun we had over there, the one hour train ride along the coast was just the beginning of the fun. We got to Nice and it was about 65-70 degrees out, so we went and checked into the hostel we were staying at and headed directly down to the beach, even though the water was nearly as cold as it is in Anchorage it was still a blast!

 Finally at the beach in Nice!

The Boardwalk in Nice

After spending all of Saturday in Nice, we decided to head to Monoco for a few hours on Sunday with a French guy we met at the bars on Saturday night. He showed us around Monoco for the day, showed us everything from the Monte Carlo to the bay looking up the beautiful mountainside of Monoco. I could not believe how cool this city…. Oh sorry I mean country was! It looked as though they had built the mountain around the city instead of the other way around if that makes any sense. The part I enjoyed best was the style of life that was there, I have never seen so many Ferrari's, Lamborghini's, Lotus' and Bently's in my life!!! Anyways, just like every other picture I have taken in Europe, the pictures don’t do it justice.

The Monte Carlo Casino in background!
The best lunch/view I have ever had! Expensive but worth it.
21 Euro Lunch overlooking the bay of Monoco... finished off with a Cuban Cigar
Overall, I have two complaints about this trip....
1. I was not able to stay longer therefore I will be forced to return to visit it again
2. I forgot my sunglasses at my apartment...

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