Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Barcelona, Spain

Barcelona, Barcelona, Barcelona… where do I begin? First of all this place is the warmest of my travels as of yet with a consistant temperature of like 65-70 degrees with not a cloud in the sky! The first day we were there we decided it would be a good idea to walk down to the boardwalk and lay out in the sun for the remainder of the day and then go see all the sights the following day when the fifth person could join us.
Upon arrival we were surrounded by sun and palm trees... basically anything but clouds
We started the day out renting some bikes so we could travel around the town easier. This trip was more interesting for me than most because I took over what my roommate Felix (The human encyclopedia) usually does and attempted to find our way around town with the girls. We wanted to see the most impressive sight first so we biked up the hill towards “La Sagrada Familia”. When we arrived to the cathedral it was quite an impressive sight:
Walking through a park towards "La Sagrada Familia"
Four of us in front of the enormous building
Three of the four people didn’t want to venture into the cathedral with us because of the long line and decided to once again soak up the sun. While they were doing this, Nadia and I waited in the long line and finally got to witness the most amazing internal structure ever:
Every window looked like this...
Words and pictures dont do this justice
While we walked through the cathedral, we were in awe constantly turning our heads from side to side marveling the stained glass windows and statues. When we finished our tour of La Sagrada Familia, we returned to the other three patiently waiting for us outside and proceeded to bike up a mountain to “Parc Guell”. I cant even begin to describe both the park it self and the view of the city, so here are some pictures:
Taking a break from biking up the mountain towards the park
In Parc Guell, overlooking Barcelona
The most depressing part of the trip came the following morning when we had to leave Barcelona. It was the first time in my travels that I actually thought about “missing my flight” in order to stay for a few extra days, sadly the prices for the returning flights within the next few days were out of my price limit so I had to return to Torino, Italy…. Which of course is a vacation in itself so im not complaining! 
Eating some gelato before dinner

view looking inwards towards town from the boardwalk
I am traveling to Sicily, Italy this upcoming Friday so hopefully I can get back on track with my blogging!


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